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The Top 4 Tools for Cashback Shopping

Coupons used to be the way to go for cashback shopping, but the path to discounts have moved to your smart phone and computer.

Retailers are willing to pay to drive new shoppers to their stores, and marketers are capitalizing on this by offering cashback through your mobile device.

These four tools are the most convenient ways to get cashback while you’re shopping. They’re all easy to add, and many will track your purchases automatically. These tools are great ways to be frugal without looking cheap.


Ebates works with thousands of retailers to give cashback offers and coupons. Shoppers start at the Ebates site or app, and click through to a retailer for the deal.

Retailers pay commissions to be on the site, and Ebates pays shoppers back on 1% – 10% of their purchase price. You can find deals outside of shopping as well, such as with Lyft or DoorDash.


Dosh couldn’t be easier. Simply link your credit cards to their service, and earn cash back whenever you eat at a restaurant or shop at a store who has a negotiated deal with Dosh.

Vendors range from CVS to Nieman Marcus, and the cashback can be as high as 10%. Since you receive this automatically by simply using a linked credit card, there’s no reason not to have this service.


Want to make Bitcoin while you shop? That’s Lolli in a nutshell. Simply download their browser extension, and you’ll earn Bitcoin when you purchase from their partners.

Lolli’s partners include Macy’s, Walmart, and Priceline. If you ever thought about owning Bitcoin, this free extension is a great way to dip your toe in the water.


Ibotta offers cash rebates from thousands of brands, retailers, and travel companies.

This app takes the most work though. You need to consciously buy the product at the right venue, and then take a picture of the receipt.

Cashback Shopping – The Bottom Line

When you shop for groceries, clothes, or electronics, every little bit of savings adds up. While coupons still exist, more marketers are offering deals through your mobile device and computer.

These four tools are the best for cashback shopping. Some of them automatically track expenses, while the others have a couple of manageable steps.

All of these tools are free to download. Feel free to give them a shot, and find ways to incorporate them in your spending habits.